A podcast

that helps you learn Spanish like it’s last call at the gay bar.

It all began when Rebecca decided to get fluent in Spanish. It had been a life long dream and the pandemic gave her a sudden, massive quantity of time. So, she looked and looked and looked for a teacher. She wanted one that wasn’t boring, a sassy one, a smart one and if he was GAY, all the better. Enter Fredy, a Colombian, native speaker and MYGAYSPANISH was born. The GOAL: MAKE SPANISH LANGUAGE LEARNING CONTENT THAT IS NOT BORING. Can the process of learning a language be funny, entertaining, inspiring and interesting?


Rebecca Donohue

Adults like to learn things. They just don’t want to do it in a way that bores them. You’ve got a million things to do as an adult. Real responsibilities, even though you’d rather shirk them off while you dip into a shiraz. So, shouldn’t your goals at least be fun? After all, you’re giving up things to be here. That’s why we created MYGAYSPANISH. Rebecca took her years as a comedian, producer, writer and applied that to helping you learn Spanish in both a fun and interesting way. And if sounding like an idiot is your fear, fear not. Rebecca is the student in this situation. Even here. Even now. The learning never stops. So, join us and experience what it’s like to talk REAL SHIT, but in a totally different language.

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Fredy Puerto

Fredy is a Spanish teacher, visual designer and content creator. He has taught over 4,000 hours of Spanish classes on iTalki.com. His methods are so high quality because he believes in keeping the student engaged with immediate feedback. He also believes in teaching through subjects that interest the student. If it’s entertaining, you’re going to come back for more. He had no idea that meeting a bored Gringa with a little Colombian blood would lead to this podcast, but he’s very glad it did.

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